These Are Stressful Times

There are so many things hijacking our joy, and adding stress to our lives today. Never before have we needed to be more diligent, and intentional, about preserving and enhancing our own health and well-being.

Nature is one of my most important tools in my personal wellness toolbox. As a Board Certified Advanced Holistic Nurse, I have seen nature transform many peoples lives. I'm excited to share this information with you!

For a limited time only, this course is now available for $19!

A small investment for information that can help add joy to your life.

Who Will Benefit From This Course?

This course is designed for anyone who is striving to empower themselves to improve their health, and add more joy into their life.

It will be especially helpful for:

-Individuals looking to add holistic, nature-based ways to ease stress, and prevent disease in addition to their health program recommended by their licensed healthcare providers.

-Parents, to aid in balancing all your daily challenges! You will also be able to role-model joyful living with what you learn from this course.

-Teachers, Nurses, Yoga Instructors, Health Coaches, Spiritual Leaders, anyone who serves the public and is in a position to influence living a healthy lifestyle.

-Corporate Leaders, lead more effectively and improve your employees productivity.

Don't you deserve to live each day feeling joyous no matter what is going on around you?

Questions You May Have

What Will I Learn?

-Why nature is essential to our health and well-being, especially now.

-Self-assessment information that will allow you to evaluate your current relationship with nature.

-Basic ways you can enhance your relationship with nature to experience more joy in your life.

  • How long does the workshop take? The workshop is broken down into modules, each less than ten minutes. It is designed for you to take your time, you don't have to do all the modules at once. The complete workshop should take less than an hour.

  • How long do I have to access the workshop? The workshop is accessible for 30 days from the time of purchase. This is to ensure that you will utilize the information and gain from the information right away!

Disclaimer: This workshop is for informational purposes only. This is not a substitute for care by your licensed health professionals. Do not stop any current treatment and substitute this information without discussing with your licensed health professionals. This workshop does not constitute a nurse-patient relationship. For full terms of use, please visit
If you do not agree to these terms, DO NOT purchase this workshop.